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发布日期:2024-07-13 06:48    点击次数:182




今太空刊精讲直播的著作来自《卫报》的——Is China’s gaokao the world’s toughest school exam?





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Is China’s gaokao the world’s toughest school exam?


要点词汇:tough adj./tʌf/

having or causing problems or difficulties劳作的;劳作的;辣手的

• a tough childhood 难过的童年

例句:It was a tough decision to make.


例句:She's been having a tough time of it (= a lot of problems) lately.


For two days in early June every year, China comes to a standstill as high school students who are about to graduate take their college entrance exams. Literally the “higher examination”, the gaokao is a national event on a par with a public holiday, but much less fun.

✅翻译:每年六月初的两天时辰里,中国齐会堕入停滞,因为行将毕业的高中生要参预高考了。高考的字面兴味是 “更高档的磨练”,是与公众假期同等缺欠的宇宙性动作,但却少了好多乐趣。

要点词汇:standstill n. /ˈstændstɪl/

a situation in which all activity or movement has stopped住手;停顿;停滞

例句:The security alert brought the airport to a standstill.


例句:Traffic in the northbound lane is at a complete standstill.


要点词汇:par n./pɑːr/

If you say that two people or things are on a par with each other, you mean that they are equally good or bad, or equally important. 与…相通, 与…相通好(或坏、缺欠等)

例句:I don‘t think his ability is on a par with yours.


Construction work is halted near examination halls, so as not to disturb the students, and traffic is diverted. Ambulances are on call outside in case of nervous collapses, and police cars patrol to keep the streets quiet. Radio talk show hosts discuss the format and questions in painstaking detail, and when the results come out, the top scorers are feted nationally. A high or low mark determines life opportunities and earning potential. That score is the most important number of any Chinese child’s life, the culmination of years of schooling, memorisation and constant stress.


要点词汇:halt v./hɔːlt/

to stop; to make sb/sth stop(使)住手,停驻 • She walked towards him and then halted.她向他走去,然后停驻。

例句:‘Halt!’ the Major ordered (= used as a command to soldiers) .


要点词汇:so as to do sth

with the intention of doing sth为了作念某事;以便作念某事

例句:We went early so as to get good seats.为了占到好座位,咱们早早就去了。

另外,本年部分地区将初次推行“3+1+2”的新高考模式,这对濒临这种模式的学生来说,也无疑是一个庞大的挑战。莫得前辈教养可供参考,他们需要在短时辰内合乎新的磨练轨制和题型,容错概率可念念而知... ...总之,报考东谈主数更多登科率更低,“史上最难高考”也曾成了板上钉钉的事。是以本年,能在千军万马之中杀出重围的考生,全齐不是“精真金不怕火之辈”。

